Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Out of Reach

 hey guys...
these days im in our feild trip in Ba Atoll so im not able to update often.. but u know life here is boring a little coz i miss u guys.......lotxxx. and its really cool here.....visiting lots of islands every week and meeting new faces every day!! isn't that fun?.. :-D

yesturday we went to B.Thulhaadhoo to consult gynee patients there with hospital people.. w0w it is an amaizing island.. we hav met all the staffs of Health Center and had lots of fun..  but overall this place is kinda dull.. coz no frndx to talk and hang out wid.. the only entertainment is playing badminton every evening in youth center..(im enjoying it a lot)..

2more weeks to go =] we are returning bak in 15th May hopefully..
so................. c you guys latrxxx

1 comment:

  1. Em from Thulhaadhoo x) You must had called me ehnu :P But I wasnt there these days :) BTW interesting :)
