Oh g0d!!! help me....
its like a nightmare. inside a hospital surrounded by wounded and bedridden patients, every one crying out, running here and there.. worst of all im the ONLY BOY in the duties... (DAMN!!!)
giving bed baths and changing diapers of patients like grandpa's age... will there be anything more horrible?
sister's like 'angels of death' rude like hell, ordering us to DO THIS! and THAT! (have mercy..)
have to contact each patient who comes, checking vitals, inserting cannula and all no matter wat the condition is.
leave it all aside and lets talk about when is it? THIS TIME its just the beginning of this sem.. means TOMORROW!!! and u know for how long?.. its for FULL SEMESTER! (oh!!.. im dead..)
and yeah.. another horrible thing is to get sign for the procedures.. its not that easy like it sounds!.. yeah.. begging to the mentors and nurses and following nursing in-charge and SLAVING them to get the sign of the procedure we already did!.. yeah! thats how it is..
after all not everything is bad.. we get experience on how to deal with it and much with diseases. through all of this we are learning a lot. its cool.. just.. lets go through it!..
so we're starting tomorrow hopefully..
see u guys later!..
love.. Gudu