Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Spring

The Spring is a “young adult” novel that tells the story of eight friends approaching the end of their senior year of high school. Preparing for graduation should be an exciting time, but as they look forward to college, fall in and out of love, and just try to survive their last days of high school, they discover the old bonds of friendship that held them together are falling apart. Can their teenage friendships survive their final steps toward adulthood? It’s a little bit angsty, a little bit funny, a little bit philosophical, and a little bit romantic.


SITTING in his usual lunchtime spot in the shade of one of the
big oak trees that sometimes made the campus seem like such an inviting
place, Jason didn’t notice that his body was draped in a random pattern
of light and shadow. The warm sun, now at its highest point in the sky,
poured down its light, bathing most of the world in brightness. Even the
oak trees, with their new springtime leaves now almost fully formed,
couldn’t deflect it all, and the sunlight was fragmented into a thousand
shards of light, each illuminating a little piece of earth. The sunshine and
shade made some blades of grass glow while others remained the same
dull green, and insects blinked and sparkled as they buzzed back and
forth. The light, both scattered and direct, fell on the clusters of other
teenagers eating their lunches in the warm springtime air. Their laughter
and conversation created a sense of unity where the sunshine couldn't
reach. In this optimistic season, when the rest of the world strove to
become as one in the light, Jason alone resisted.
He sat with his back against the wall of the auditorium building.
This was his regular spot, chosen because it was in the shade at this hour
of the day. The trunk of the oak tree was a few feet in front of him, not
close enough to conceal him from his classmates, but near enough to
offer him a sense of security and shelter. His backpack that had been
slung over his shoulder was now set beside him. He opened the bag of
chips that he had bought from one of the vending machines in the
gymnasium and quickly popped a chip in his mouth, fixing his eyes back
towards the way he had just come: towards the corner of the auditorium,
beyond which stood the flagpole and the entrance to the main school
He decided that if Keith wanted to act like a jerk, then so be it.
Jason had sat in this spot since his sophomore year and he would do the
same today. Nothing would be different except that for the third day in a
row, he sat alone. Until recently, he and his best friend Keith had always
sat in this same place and ate lunch together. But on Monday, they had
an argument that quickly turned bitter, and in response, Keith didn’t
show up for lunch on Tuesday. He was still on campus, of course (Jason
sometimes saw him between classes), but today was Thursday and they
hadn’t spoken to each other since their argument. Apparently Keith had
decided he didn’t want to spend his lunch hours with Jason anymore.
They had argued before—and sometimes Keith had stormed off
in anger—but Jason couldn’t remember a time when they had been apart
for this long. Jason thought that Keith was just being stubborn, and
Jason knew that if Keith were to return right now, there would be no
questions asked and all would be forgiven. A few people came around
the corner, either on their way from class or looking for a place outside
to sit and eat, but Keith was not among them. Jason ate his chips slowly
and continued to watch, and wait, but still there was no Keith. When he
finished his bag of chips, Jason got up, threw the bag into the nearest
trash can, and returned to his place against the wall. Fine, he thought to
himself, if Keith wants to sit somewhere else, that's all right with me.
Fortunately, Jason had come prepared for this. Opening a pocket
in his backpack, he pulled out his mp3 player and his headphones. On
Tuesday, he had been caught off guard by Keith's departure and had sat
through an entire lunch hour with nothing to do. He didn’t want that to
happen again, so on Wednesday he had brought his mp3 player to school
so he could pass the time listening to music, and today he had brought it
again. He put on the headphones and turned the player on. Taking one
last look towards the corner of the auditorium, he saw no one appear, so
he pressed "Play" and a voice sang into his ears:
If everyone on Earth died right now
Except me
I'd be the happiest man on Earth.
The voice belonged to a singer named Charley Z. He had been
Jason's favorite singer ever since Jason discovered his music two years
ago. Since then, no other singer or band had been able to compare.
These songs spoke to Jason, like no other songs ever had. He could
relate to these lyrics. He understood them. They were about his life and
his struggles. These were songs about trying to find a place independent
of society and apart from the mindless crowds who needed community
and belonging for its own sake. Charley Z taught that independence and
self-reliance were the greatest virtues. Jason had learned from Charley Z
that the world can be a cruel and lonely place, that the only person he
could depend on was himself, and that friendship was fleeting and
illusory at best—his recent experience with Keith proved that. And as for
love . . . well, that seemed too remote and alien even to consider.
Jason lost himself in reverie but was pulled back to earth when
the song came to its slow and somber end:
If everyone on Earth died right now
Except me
I'd be the saddest man on Earth.
Jason smiled. Who needed Keith? This wasn't so bad: listening to Charley
Z, sitting in the fresh air, watching the birds fly down from the trees to
search for food in the grass. Jason decided he was happy.
In between songs, he heard a familiar voice. He turned his head
and saw his friend Jimmy and a boy named Brian walking his way. Jason
hadn't known Jimmy for as long as he had known Keith, but right now
Jimmy seemed like more of a friend than Keith. Jimmy always sat outside
at a nearby table with some other students from the senior class. Jason
and Keith had never mixed with Jimmy's circle of friends, but they saw
enough of each other to expect each other's presence. As Jimmy
approached, he stared at Jason and noticed that, once again, the boy with
the mp3 player was sitting alone. As he and Brian passed, Jimmy stopped,
and Jason turned off his music. Jimmy smiled and said, "Hey, Jason, is
Keith not gonna show up today?"
Jason looked around him, pretending to notice his solitude for
the first time. "It doesn't look like it," he replied.
Jimmy shrugged, still smiling, "Oh well, no big loss." Jimmy and
Keith had never really gotten along, although Jason didn't know why.
Everyone else seemed to like Jimmy; he was very approachable and
always seemed to have a positive attitude about everything. Jason never
understood what it was in his two friends' personalities that conflicted.
"Who are you listening to?" Jimmy asked, pointing to Jason's mp3
"Charley Z!" Jason said proudly.
Jimmy's smile turned into a mix of disgust and amusement.
Jimmy was no fan of Charley Z, and Jason knew it. "Man, you need to
listen to some real music for a change."
Brian went on towards their table, and Jimmy started to follow,
but then he turned around and said, "Oh, I almost forgot—Emma and I
need a ride home this afternoon. Will you wait for us?"
"Sure," Jason said, "I'll wait."
Jason pressed the "Play" button again and behaved as though he
were enjoying his music a little too much. Jimmy just smiled and shook
his head. He followed Brian to their table, which was closer to the rear of
the auditorium building. The rest of Jimmy's regular circle of friends were
there already: Brian, four girls, and one other boy. Jason knew them all by
name, but he wasn't friends with any of them, just Jimmy.
As Jason sat and listened to the music, his eyes would settle on
Jimmy and his friends from time to time. Jason wondered what he must
look like to them as he sat all alone. He probably looked like a loser, like
he didn't have any friends at all. Jason knew that wasn't true, but what
else could people assume? This part of the campus beside the auditorium
wasn't very busy, even though there were a few students having lunch at
the other nearby picnic tables or on the lawn. But sometimes students,
on their way from one building to another, or custodians patrolling the
campus, would pass by. If Jason didn't know them, then he ignored
them, but if he saw someone he knew, he suddenly felt embarrassed.
What was worse, no one even looked at him when they walked by. They
ignored him, and their disinterest made it seem like there was something
in Jason's situation—his isolation—that just wasn't right and seemed

-To be Continued-

Cat - my Pet

dhivehi raajjeygai enme aanmu janavaareh ge gothugai faahaga kurevifai vany bulhaleve.. zamaanuhsure bulhalaky gey gey gai olhu kohgen gengulhey janavaarekeve.. bulhaa dhivehin balaigannany emyhunge avatteringe gothuga eve.. ehytheriyeh adhi baiveriehge gothuga eve..
meege aharuthakeh kurinsure bulha gengulhun dhivehinge thereygai madhuvumahfahu fahakah ais bulhaa gengulhey meehunge adhadhu dhany ithuruvamun neve.. mi fahakah ais dhivehiraajjeygai pet ge viyafaari vany fulhaave ekikahala pet gengulhun dhivehinge therey gai aanmu vefa eve.. akikahala dhoonin feshigen gos lizard aai jehendhen eki myhun pets ge gothugai dhany gengulhemun neve..  mihaarakah ais Male' ge maguthah mathygai hingaalaifi nama ekikahala pet gengulhey zuvaan kudhin varah ginain fennaane eve.. hama miyaai eku faahaga kollevey ehchaky thafaathu jinsuge kudhin gengulhey hivvany thafaathu pet kameve.. firihen kudhin ginain guraa kahal dhooni gengulhey iru anhen kudhinnah bodah kamudhany bulhaleve.. namaves firihen kudhinge thereygai ves bulhaa pet ehge gothugai gengulheyleh madheh nooneve.. 
bulhaa pet ehge gothugai gengulhun ithuruvamun dhany eyge mausoom kamaai vafaatheri kamun kamah ves vedhaane eve.. nuvatha bulhalaky eyge zaathugai ves reethi, gengulhey hivvaa kahala janavaareh kamah ves vedhaane eve.. meege ithurun ves bulhalaky ekikahala beynunthah eyge sababun hifey ehchekeve.. ehves sababeh nethi hamaekani fashion eh ge gothugai ves bulhaa gengulhey meehun ulhe eve..
bulhalaky molhu shikaara veriyekeve.. rangalhu faara veriyekeve.. saafuthaahiru kamah loabi kuraa thaahiru ehchekeve.. ekani verikan filuvaidhey ekuveriyekeve.. foohi filuvai dhey bai veri ekeve.. bunaabas ehumugai laamaseelu misaalekeve.. mihengos kiyaane kameh netheve.. thaureefu koh koh kolhakun nulaane eve..
bulhaa aanmugothegai kai ulheny gey therey gai ulhey kudhi soofaa soofi shikaara kohgeneve.. meege thereygai hoanaai kuraipaai, mi noonas geytherey gai ulhey udhuhey baeh soofaa soofi himene eve.. meege ithurun meedhalaai hikanjaky bulhaluge favourite eve.. ehenkamun bulhalaky mikahala hurihaa undhagookuraa soofaa soofy ge halley ves bunevidhaane eve.. hama eaai eku aanmukoh meehun kaiulhey bathaai rottakyves bulhaa kai ulhey ehchisseve..

mihurihaa sababakaai hure bulhaa belevifai vany gengulhey hivvaa, gengulhen faseyha, kurugothakah bunaanama.. loabi Pet ehge gothuga eve...


Monday, March 15, 2010

Papilio 2010 Wedding Gowns by Photographer Marina Danilova

Continuing with the theme of simple wedding dresses, I found this stunning gallery of Papilio wedding gowns by Russian photographer Marina Danilova. Papilio doesn’t seem to have a website or anything that I can refer to, but the photos make for gorgeous inspiration.

Healthy Tips... ( Papaya )

Lisa Yates Consultant Dietitian:

Papaya contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for wellbeing.

Papaya contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for wellbeing. Such as the B group vitamins, vitamin A and C and potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for good growth and vision.

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamins A and C.

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, an important antioxidant vitamin.

Just one average slice (150g) provides more than twice your daily requirement for vitamin C, plus vitamin A (essential for good growth and vision), calcium, iron, carbohydrates and a wealth of protective antioxidant carotenoids.

Papaya is one of the best sources of protective carotenoids such as beta-cryptoxanthin and lycopene.

Papaya is a good source of natural antioxidants: vitamin C and carotenoids.

The gorgeous orange colour of papaya is due to natural pigments called carotenoids. Carotenoids are important antioxidants.

Low in sodium and kilojoules, papaya is also fat free.

Papaya has a lower glycemic index for longer lasting energy.

Papaya is high in fibre

Including papaya in your diet can add a valuable source of fibre. Fibre helps keep you regular.

Papaya contains papain, a natural enzyme that helps with the break down of proteins.

The soft texture of the fruit and its rich quantity of vitamin C makes papaya an ideal first food for babies.

Antibacterial/ antimalarial/ antiviral/ insecticidal effects of papaya
Studies in laboratory test tubes (in vitro) have shown that papain/papaya have been found to inhibit the growth of a number of bacteria including:

Papain/ Papaya
 Escherichia coli
 Staphylococcus faecalis
 Klebsiella pneumoniae
Enterbacter cloacae

In addition papain can inhibit:
Staphylococcus albus

And papaya inhibits
Bacillius cereus
 Bacillus subtilis
 Staphylococcus aureus
 Proteus vulgaris
 S flexneri
 Salmonella typhi
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa

However no clinical trials have been conducted to prove that papaya or papain can treat bacterial illness. Thus no claims can be made.
One test tube study reports that extracts of papaya inhibited the growth of P.falciparum, the cause of malaria. No clinical trials in humans have been conducted hence no claims or recommendations can be made but the results indicate a possible low cost treatment for malaria

Another single study found that women who ate papaya at least once a week were less likely to have persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. In addition those women with high beta-cryptoxanthin and vitamin C intakes also had a lower risk of persistent HPV.  HPV is associated with cervical cancer. Again more studies are needed before recommendations can be made however these findings are interesting.

One study reports that papain found in the latex – a fluids which seeps from a damaged papaya tree - plays a crucial role in the defense mechanism against a number of plant eating insects through inhibiting growth of insect larvae.

Anticancer effects
Any claims regarding the effect papaya has on cancer can not be made due to current food law and a lack of strong evidence. There are some interesting case studies that have been reported nonetheless. A significant reduction in gall bladder cancer and a protective effect against colorectal cancer was seen in those who consume papaya.

Cardiovascular disease
One study in women found that those with a high lycopene intake had a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. For these women tomato provided the highest intake of lycopene in their diet. Although papaya was noted among other plant foods to contain lycopene in high amounts. Further studies are needed.

Drug interactions
Papaya has been found to interact with warfarin (a blood thinning or anticoagulant drug often given to heart patients) causing over anticoagulation. Although more research is needed to confirm, it would be safe practice to recommend those on warfarin to tell their physician they eat papaya.

Effect on fertility
Some studies and reports indicate that many traditional cultures use papaya as a form of birth control. For generations women of Sri Lanka have known that papaya and pregnancy don’t mix. Researchers of one report found that if Sri Lankan women want to become pregnant they avoid eating papaya. Researchers from the University of Sussex theorise that papain suppresses progesterone, a sex hormone that is needed to prepare the uterus for conception and maintain the pregnancy.

It appears abortions can also be induced by eating unripe papaya for three consecutive days.

Another review paper found that papaya has been studied for its fertility inhibiting effects in males through prevention of sperm production.

It is important to note that no clinical trials regarding fertility were found during this research project and these trials need to be conducted before any recommendations regarding papayas effect on fertility can be given.

Eye sight
Children in Indonesia with xerophthalmia (an eye disorder caused by a deficiency of vitamin A) were less likely to be frequent consumers of mango and papaya as toddlers despite the availability of these orange coloured fruits in Indonesia.

Iron absorptionLactating women in Zimbabwe were fed 650g of pureed papaya for 60 days and blood tests confirmed that vitamin A levels increased significantly following supplementation with papaya. In addition blood ferritin (iron storage) levels increased when compared to the control group who did not consume papaya. 650g of pureed papaya is equivalent to 2 ¾ cups which is a high daily intake but possibly a normal intake for women from Zimbabwe.
In another paper the absorption of iron from a rice meal with the addition of various fruits was studied in Indian women. Papaya markedly increased iron absorption as did vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Wound healingAnecdotal evidence from a number of case reports and reviews state that in many developing nations such as Brazil, Jamaica and Gambia Africa papaya makes a cost effective treatment for healing skin wounds. Nurses report papaya reduces odour, promotes faster healing in chronic skin ulcers, removes dead skin cells and prevents infections in burns.

And so on... Papaya is proven as a supliment of many nessesary Vitamin and Minerals.. 


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dream eh -2-

.........'nooney... mi compakah ves nulibey.., network time out ekey arany..' aharen Firefox check kollumah fahu buny meve.. 'kon nameh kiyany...?' aharen ekujjaa yah introduce velumuge gothun ahaalymeve.. ekujjaa varah gayaa velaafai hinithun velieve.. adhi browser close kollamun buneli eve.. 'aharennah kiyany Stephani.. kon nameh kiyany?.. DMLT dho hadhany?..'. 'Nooney PHC hadhany... aharennah kiyany Zaahin..' aharen ves avahah introduce velymeve.. ehen bunamun aharennah balailevuny aneh faraathu comp bareegai in aharenge hithuge shehezaadhaa asheve.. Stephani aky ekujjaa ge class kujeh kamun ekujjaa aai introduce veleveyne kamuge unmeedhuga eve.. aharen in gondi kulliakah Stephani ai dhimaalah anburaaly meve.. e reethi kujjaage nan ahaalaanamey hitha eve.. anga hulhuvaalevunu vaguthu aharenge hithah eri eve.. noonekeve.. nan ahaany aharennah ekujjaa aai vaahaka dhekkunu dhuvahakun ekujjaa kaireega eve.. aharennah gondi anburaali gothah anga hulhuvifai indhaa Stephani hinithun velamun dhelo bodu kohlaafai suvaalu kuraa raagah balai li eve.. ' nothing...' bodu neyva eh beyru kollamun aharen in compaai dhimaalah enburemun bunymeve..
Zaahin...! avahah aadhey.. sir aisfiyo claahah..! aharennah ishyndhegen in gondin burakashi seedhaa kohlamun balai levuny compleb ge dhorumathy gai huri aharenge class kujaa asheve.. loabin aharemen kiyai ulheny thuhthi eve.. 'aan thuhthy.. midhany...' mihen kiyaafai aharenves avas vegathy claahah dheveytho eve.. aharennah comp leb ge dhorumahchaa hama ah ves dhevuny ekujjaa aai dhimaalah balamunneve.. ekujjaa enme faharakuves balailaane nama ey hithah araeve.. aharen comp leb ge dhoru lappafai claahah dhaan nikuthy meve.. ekujjaage moonu nufenna hisaabah claahah dhaan jeheythyve dhen aharennah ekujjaa fennaane irehge inthizaaru kureven fashaifi eve.. 
aharennah neyngey foni foni ihsaas thakeh kureven fashaifi eve.. aharenge amilla nafsah hinithun ve levuneve.. anekkaa mee kon kahalage kanthah gandeh baa ey hithah eri eve.. sidin mahchah fifth floor ah aramun aharennah anekkai ves balai levuny comp leb aai dhimaala sheve.. mifaharu naseebu athugai hifaifi eve.. ekujjaa ah ves fahathah enburi kudadhoruge billoori gandun sidi aai dhimaalah balai levuny hama evaguthu eve.. aharennaai ekujjaa aai hatharukalhi hama vi eve.. evaguthu heevee karantuge oivareh aharenge hashigandu thereygai enburigaiy heneve.. aharenge hiy ufalun thelhi folhen feshi eve.. namaves hivvaru kohfai aharenge nafsu controle kureemeve.. adhi aharennah bey ikhthiyaarugai hinithun velevuneve.. ekujjaage ehera mausoomu moonu kolhekeve.. esoora aharenge kurimathin nufilaa vumah edhevuneve.. ekujjaa ves heenlaafai aneh faraathah enburuneve.. vee ufalun aharenge hiy nuhuttuny hama kiriyaa eve.. aharenge hithuge thelhun khudhu aharennah ves ihsaas kurevuneve.. eheenlumugai vany aadhayaakhilaafu baarekeve.. 
kihineh vegen, kiy vegen kameh aharen nakah neynge eve.. aharennah engeyhaa ves ehchaky aharennah ekujjaa fenunu vaguthussure aharenge hiy ekujjaa ah vaguf kohdhevihje kameve.. mihithuge mahchah aharenge ikhthiyaareh dhen ithurah oiy heneh hiyeh nuve eve.. eiy konthaakun ai, kon nameh kiyaa, kiy kuraa kujjeh kameh aharennakah neynge eve.. engeyhaa ves ehchaky eiy aharenge hithuge veriyaa kameve..
libunu ufalehge bodu kamun aharennah gos claahah ves vadhevuny nashamun nashamun neve...

Hey guys!!! this may not be a  true story dhwww... no worries ;-)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kuhveriyaky Thi iy ( thinvana bai)

by: Aishath Shaanaz Ahmed

     ................ ' dharifulha hana... dharifulhaa.... mikolhah aisbala! balaabala mihury kaaku ais? dharifulhah mihury hadhiyaaves genessa..'
manmage miadu aharenge kanfathugai jehumun aharenge ruin huttuneve.. adhi moonu mathygai vaa karunathah fuhelamun irukolhakun eba annamey buny meve.. konmehen dhaahithakun noonekeve.. manma kamah vaathy nudhaanamey bunan nukeruny eve..
...anehka migady aharen hoadhan annaany kaakubaa.......? ehennaaves aharen hoadhan evves myhaku naadhey.... kaakubaa aiy???... aharenge hiy avasvi eve.. eai meehaky kaakubaa ey hithah araafa eve.. avas avahah faahaana ah vadhe moonu dhovelaigen sitting room aai dhimaalah dhiya iy meve..

sitting room ge dhoru mahchah araa hamavumun aharenge dhelo boduvegen dhiya eve..moonu mahchah jambukula araigen dhiya eve.. aharen ehuri fiavalhu mathy huttuneve.. bunaane ehcheh neyngifai bahattaafai huri budheh hen gandu vi eve.. manma dhe thin faharu aharen gaagai kottalumah fahu bunyeve.. 
           ' dharifulhaa.. mi iy dharifulhuge bodube...., balaabala bodube dharifulhah genesfai ehuri ehchihi....'

hairaan kamaai hiydhathi kamaai eku aharennah balailevuny insaanehge sifaigaa huri valu kuhthaa ehge dharaja ah ves nufethey, thimaage fenvaru olhifai huri e yousufai dhimaalasheve.. thadhekeve.. eiy aharenge bodube eve..e yousufaky aharege bodube ah vure, nudhanna beerahtessekey bunyas aharen maa bodah ves hinhama jeheyne eve.. emoonu mathy gai vany nulafaa kamaai jabbaaru kameve.. 

rashuge rayyithun aharenge bodube ( yousuf) ah nafrathu kure eve.. inthihaa ah rulhi aadhe eve.. sababeh nethi eh nooneve.. e yousufaky kudakudhinnaai moshe ulhey meehekeve.. ekudhinnai jinsee goana kuraa meehekeve.. anhenunge gayah aramun dhuvaa mududhaaru insaanekeve.. evarakun nimuny ky eh nooneve...... eh jinsun gulhun ves hingaa meehekeve... eynaage nulafaakan gosfa oy hisaabaky mi iy eve... eynaa mihurihaa faahish amaluthakeh hingamun gendhaairu eynaage ainbeh hureye ves eynaage hithakah naaray baava eve.. efakyru gannaane ladhaai efakyruge hithuge alhaane ha veynaai dheytherey visnaali nama enubai kanthah thakeh kuraakah nureruny heve..
namaves kiykuraany heyyeve.. e yousufu ge anhenun hury namehga eve.. anbimeehaa aai angain nubunaathaa, laane hendhumeh ha hisaabuves hoadhai nudhe eve.. ehcheh nudhey thaangai dhuniyeygai huritho ves balaeh nula eve.. e hiydhathi dhiriulhun efakyru thahammal kuramun gendhaairu enme kudaminun varives kosheh nudhineve..

miyadhu aharenge kurimathy gai maa heyo edhey meehakah hedhigen ais ehury bodube akah ve hure aharenge aburaai izzai hifahattan jehey thaangai aharenge iffaiytherikan ves feyrigannan masakkaiy kuri nulafaa meehaa eve... manmage lolugai dhuniyeyge dhalhain andhun alhuvan miyadhu migeah aishuri iru mi iy kihaavarehge meeheh kan manma ah nuvisneny baaey hithah ara eve.. 

mi khiyaalu thakun aharen nah dhurah dhevunu iru manma hury bodube aai vaahaka dhakkan gellifa eve.. aharennah dhemyhunnaai dhimaalah belen feshuneve.. ehfaharu manma aai dhimaalasheve.. anehfaharu bodube aai dhimaalasheve.. aharenge loa fenkalhi vaa goiy vi eve.. hiy eky ekahchah suvaalu marku thakakun furuneve.. namaves e suvaaluthah kuraany ves vaki kaakaa heyyeve.. ehenkamun esuvaaluthah aharen ge hithuge thereygai foruveemeve..

hafthaa eh faheve..konme reyakuhen ahannah mi biruveri kanthakaai kurimathi laan jehe eve.. mihaaru aharenge kiyevun ves dhany dhuvaheh dhuvahakah vure dhah vamun neve.. bodube geyah annaleh gina vamun dhe eve.. konme dhuvahakuves konmeves ehcheh hifaigen neve.. mihaarakah ais manma mennah haradhuves kurany bodube eve.. 

mikanthah thah boduvamun annaathy aharen varah bodah biru gannan fashaifi eve.. ehenkamun bodube eg minubai amaluge vaahaka manma kairygai bunan ninmy meve.. eiy mikamah avas nimumeh ais aharen mikamun minju veytho eve.. namaves manma kairygai ves bunan jehilun ve eve.. baeh faharu manma ah ves mikanthah engeye henves heeve eve.. namaves hiy bunanun dhany mikanthah manma kairy gai bunegen avas halleh hodhu meve..

-To be continued-

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wedding Dresses

 By Joanne Elliott

It has to be said that ever since a lady was a little girl she always wondered what her wedding dress would look like. And now that the decision is there to be made it is obviously very confusing, daunting and exciting for everyone involved. Of course you want to look the very best that you can look on your special day, and there are several ways that you can make sure that you achieve this goal.

What color wedding dress should I choose?
The color of your wedding dress is usually the first place to start when you are making your decision on what to wear. Often women are very confused as to what color they should go for. Traditionally weddings are themed in white, cream or ivory. But the fact is if your skin coloring doesn't suit the lighter shades of pale, then don't do it! I often get ladies from all over the world asking me what colors they should choose for their wedding. And the answer is always the same… think about what colors suit you, and what colors you like. Despite appearances there are no hard and fast rules. Never forget that this is YOUR day, and you should just go right ahead and do what you what to do. Whatever makes you happy!

What shape wedding dress should I choose?
The shape of the wedding dress that you should choose is entirely dependent on your figure. All women are different, and certain shapes suit them better than others. The shape of your wedding dress is actually far more important that the color. It's exactly the same as dressing to go out for a meal somewhere, or to go to the opera or a film premiere. For the best results you need to get into the mindset of a film star… or rather, the film stars' wardrobe designers. You should pick out a dress that suits your body shape – one that accentuates your figure and conceals any lumps and bumps.

Wedding dress shapes explained
A-line - The A-line wedding dresses have fitted vertical seams running down the length of the garment. This means that the dress is tight at the waist and flares out towards the bottom part of the skirt.

Empire line - Empire line dresses are tight beneath the bust and are higher than the a-line cut of cloth. The seam lies just beneath the bust for a more structured look.

Ball gown - Ball gown wedding dresses are traditionally full length and very full and wide. Ball gown dresses usually have very structured, fitted and boned bodices.

Sheath - Sheath wedding dresses are very straight and simple. They usually flow to the floor and skim the body.

Mermaid - Mermaid dresses have a kick at the bottom where the fabric is much fuller. The top half of the dress hugs the figure and accentuates voluptuousness.

Strapless - Strapless wedding dresses are just that – they don't require support over the shoulder. Strapless wedding dresses must be made well and be supported by good bridal underwear to make certain that the bride is both comfortable and secure throughout the ceremony.

Hope you guys have got some idea about wedding dresses....
see you again with something interesting........... 

Wedding dress of the day

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Badhu naseebu

ey aashigaa magey fari, vejjey gayaa kalaa feni                     
                                      dhuru koh nulaa mihiykudhi, koffaa balaa nulaa
fenidhaane nama hithaa alhe, fahathun dheveye malaa mage              
                                    saharoa verive hithah mage, hinithunve dheebalaa

thiya fari dhe thunfathun adhu, thalhuvaalamun baheh bune            
                                             laaney hithaa vamey alhu, kairin nugos filaa

mihithah kalaage loabin, zarreh viyas libununama                               
                                     libidhaanebaa efadha bodu, ufaleh hayaathugaa

mahakah kalaavinama kandu, fadhain eky vedhaaname                    
                                   fathakah kalaavinama alhu, egahah vedhaa namey

karuthaa fenah kandah eri, ovegen kalaa libey nama                        
                                               ufalaa eky ekanves, kurumah alhaa vamey

namaves alhaage thagdheeruga neiy ahaa ufaaveri                            
                                          sofhaa thakehme liyefai, dhuniyein alhah takaa

libumeh kalaa naseebuga, nethumun veye mihiy dhathi                       
                                          barubaadhu vejjeye alhu, fithigen hithaa fithaa

hey guyxx.. hows this???? every one might not be so lucky to get their true love.. when you know you cant get..... this will probably fit you!!  i really feel for you guys.. it really hurts...
any comments???

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dream eh


 FHS ge computer lebge there eve.. aharen iny firefox ge page eh hulhuvan jassaigen neve..aharen in comp ge CPU ge mathin aneh faraathah balan aharen gellifai meyzu mathygai ulhanboshi vihdhaalaigen, aharenge ingili thah thunfathugai jassaalaigen in iru balaalaa myhakah heevaany higgaimu reethi ehchakaai dhimaalahfaruvaatheri kamaai eku eyge harakaai thakah balan gellifai inna heneve.. ehen aharen balaigen innairu baeh faharah aharennah bey ikhthiyaarugai hinithun veleve eve..
aharen balahattaigen hury ehchakaai dhimaalakah nooneve... kujja kaai dhimaalasheve... dhon dhon moonekeve.. hithifathu buma ekeve.. kurangi dheloleve.. elolun aharennaai dhimaalah balailaa konmefaharaku aharenge hithuge thalhun avasvegen dhe eve..finifen maleh kahala fiyaathoshi thunfathe keve.. reygandeh kahalage lui lui isthashi kolhekeve..eisthashikolhu bolugai dhathijahaa hayyaru koffai inna iru heevany reethi ganduvarehge mathygai chaalu gubbeh innaheneve.. eynaage dhethunfai gengulheyleh naazuku kamaa eve.. efadha chaalu hinithunvumeh huvafenehgai ves nudhekemeve.. ethunfathuge konme harakaatheh aharenge hithuge enme hima naaraa ves kulhela eve.. Subuhaanallahi eve.. kalaange kulhadhunvantha kamuge furihama kamaa eve.. aharen eynaage moonah balan gellifai inna iru comp leb furaathibi kudhinnah veenuvee eh ves aharennakah neynguneve.. ekujja hinithun velamun kaaryhuri kujaa aai vaahaka dhakkamun gendhiya eve..
aharennah mimanzaru balan gellifai ehen indhevuny kihaa iraku kameh khudhu aharennakah ves neynge eve.. aharenge kaarygai in anhen kujjaku aharennaai mukhaathabu koh ehchekey buneli eve.. aharenge loabyge dharubaarun aharen hoorai ehlaali hen heevi eve..enburemun enburemun ais aharennah hama heyverikan vi eve..
          ' thi compah net libeytha??'
ekujaage mijumla adu ivumun aharennah sihifai balaalevuneve.. ekujja ahves hini aeve.. ekujjaa aky aharen balahattaigen gellifai in kujaage class kujjekeve..

this one is specially dedicated with love to all FHS students

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

kuvveriyaky thi iy (dhevana bai)

Written by: Aishath Shaanaz Ahmed

.......namaves manmage hilameh nuvi eve.. emyhaa ge kibain salaamaiy vumah aharen kuraamun gendhiya hurihaa kamehves beykaaru vegen dhiya eve.. 

reyganduge vaguthu thah biruveri kamaai hiydhathi kamugai heydhakurumah fahu aadhuvahakah fathis vejje eve.. namaves reygandu nidhi nulibumun aharen hury varah bodah nidhi aisfa eve.. ruimuge sababun dhelolah varah baaru kure eve.. 

fathis namaadhah bangi govumun aharen thedhuve faahana ah vanymeve.. fenvaraalumuge beynumuga eve.. faahaana ah vadhe loagandun moonu balaa ly meve.. dhelo hury inthihaa ah raiy ve dhulha vefa eve.. moonaai karuge eki than thaangai hury vaki elhifa eve.. veedherain naai gai ladhun roan feshuneve.. e reyge fathis namaadhugai aharen dhu'aa kury meve.. enubai meehaage kibain aharen salaamai kurahvaa tho eve.. eynaage nubaikamun minju veytho eve..

hendhunu 6 jahaa boduveh je eve.. ehen dhuvas dhuvahu mihaairu aharen saiboan nugosfiyya manma aharen kobaitho bala eve.. ehen namaves miyadhu manmage habareh nuvi eve..

aharen gos manma oiy kotaryge dhoru hulhuvai leemeve.. manma othy nidhifa eve.. kairygai aaniyaa ves otheve.. manma ah govan hithah erieve.. namaves nukeruneve.. sababaky meege kurin manma aaniyaa kairygai baavvaigen noannaathy eve.. aharenge hithah neyngey konmeves nuthanavas kameh verivegen dhiya eve.. dhelo hury fenkalhi vefa eve.. aharennah edhuvahu school ah dhaakah nukeruneve.. manma kairy dhahkan konmeves bahanaa eh hedhumah aharen kotariyah vadhe rajaalaigen nidhankamah hedhigen othymeve..

gadin hendhunu 7 jahaifi eve.. manma ais aharennah govi eve..eyru aharennah vany rangalhah nidhifa eve.. sissaigen thedhuve endhugai isayndhevuneve.. manma ehi eve..
       'hanaa miyadhu school ah nudhaa dhuvahaky tha?.....'
aharenge hiy baaru baarah thelhen feshi eve.. manma kaary gai reygai dhimaa vi kanthah thakuge vaahaka bunaakah nukereyne eve.. irukolheh vandhen angain nubune hurumah fahu nuheylevuny kamah bunymeve.. namaves manma ekamakaa ehaabodakah alhaeh nulieve.. aharennah libuny ithuru hairaan kamekeve.. sababaky meege kurin aharennah heynulevigen schoolah nudhevuny enme dhuvahaku eve.. edhuvahu ves manma aharen dheke varah rulhi aeve.. namaves miyadhu alhaehves nuli eve.. 
      'avahah faahanaah vadhefa aadhey, badhige ah vannan...'
mihen bunefai manma kotarin nikumegen dhiyaiy eve.. mifaharu aharen ithurah hairaan vi eve.. eiy aharenge moonu mathygai huri nishaanthah manma ah nufenumun neve.. aharen heekury kotari andhiri veemai manma ah nufenuny kamasheve.. ehenkamun alhaanulaa aharengos faahaana ah vanymeve..

aharenge umurun 10 aharu namaves aharenge iskolhaai hashigandah balaafai heevaany 13-14 aharuge anhen kujjeh henneve.. anhenun badhigeygai kuraa hurihaa kameh ves manma hury aharennah dhaskohdheefa eve.. ehenkamun avahah faahaana ah vanumah fahu badhige ah dhiya iy meve.. eyru manma iny saithatteh boasheve.. kairygai aaniyaa nethumun aaniyaa kobaitho manma kairy aharen ehymeve.. manma aharennaa dhimaalah isufulaa balaaves nulaa saithashi boan indhefai bunyeve..
      'aaniyaa adhi nuthedhuvey....! ekujja heylumuge kurin roshi fiheveytho ulhebala!!!...'
manmage mijumla aduivumun aharen varah dheravi eve.. sababaky myge kurin dhuvahakuves manma egothah aharennai vaahaka dhakkaafai nuvaathy eve..

roshi fihe sai thahyaaru kurumahfahu aharen dhiya iy manma nidhaa kotariyasheve.. aaniyaa reethi kuraasheve.. eyruves aaniyaa othy nidhaafa eve.. aaniyaa thedhukohgen gos fenvaruvaa reethi kurumah fahu sai dheyn dhiya iy meve.. eyru manmaves kaa meyzu dhoshugai ineve..
         ' aharen miyadhu kaany manmage athun...'
aaniyaa buneli eve.. aharenves jessumah bunely meve..
         ' enme rangalhu,.. kokko manmage athun kaa... ekamaku miyadhu dhahtha ah schoolah dhaan nuheylevuny ey!!!... ehenve dhahtha kokko reethi kohdhiny.. '
        ' enme rangalhey... dhahtha dhen filaavalhu hadhaany kihineh?'
aaniyaa visnan inumah fahu suvaalu kuri eve.. 
        ' dhah... dhahtha class kujjehge athun filaavalhu hoadhaany... dhen avahah vaahaka nudhahkaa saiboan ulhey!... irukolhakun kokko schoolah dhaa gadi jehidhaane!..'
aaniyaa suvaalu kuraavarun aharen kudakoh jehilun vi eve.. kokko aky abadhuves varah suvaalu gina kuhje keve.. adhi amdhun aharenkaary gai varah gina suvaalu kure eve.. ehenkamun aharen bely avas avahah sa boigen kotariyah dheveytho eve.. namaves aaniya anehkaaves suvaaleh kuri eve.. mifaharuge suvaalu vegen dhiya iy aharenge lolun karuna faahdhaali suvaalaka sheve.. 
        ' dhahtha...... dhahtha moonu ga yaai karuga kiyve hanmeshifa ehery...??'
aharennah javaabu dheyne gotheh neynguneve.. hithuge thelhun avas vi eve.. eki thanthanah belenfeshuneve.. bunaane ehcheh neynguneve.. adu thuru thurulamun kahala gothakah eiy reygai maa gadhayah madhiri hefumun veegotheh kamah bune olhuvaaly meve.. evaguthu haaskamaai eku aharennah balaalevuny manmage moonasheve.. evaguthu manma aai hatharu kalhi hamavi eve..  evaguthu manma nudhene huri kamah hadhaa aneh faraathah moonu anburaali eve.. veedherain karunain dhelo furigen dhiya eve.. vetten dhiya karunathiki kokkoah nudhekka anehfaraathah enburumahfahu fohely meve.. 

aharen mulhin kaahiy kenduneve.. adhi ethah baivaru suvaalakun aharenge sikundi furi baaru vi eve.. aharen dheravefai huri manzaru kokko ah nudhakka avas avahah kaameyzu dhoshun thedhuvee meve... thattah kaan elhi ehchihi hury huri gothasheve.. hurihaa ehchehi dasbinah elhumahfahu aiy dhovegen gos kotariyah vany meve..

kotariyah vadhe endhumathygai ishynymeve.. adhi baalis nagaa moonumathygai alhaigen gisla gislaafai roan feshuneve.. hiydhathi vi varunneve.. miyadhu aharennaai dheytherey kokko hamdharudhy vi iru... manma moonu anburaaly aneh faraathasheve.. aharenge hithaa hithaa bunelevuneve.. 
         ' anehkka ma....manma ah reygae kanthah engeny baa....???? ehenveeru a....aharenge moonu mathygai mivaa manzaruthah manma ah nufeni........ kokko ah fennan vee kiy ve???...... anehka ma.....manmage atheh mi....mikamuge thereygai vanyba............???????'

-To be continued-